Monday, January 9, 2012

Blind Play

Alright, the next gym's an Electric gym, and I got myself a Ground-type Sandile to crush them. Let's go!


Hey, cool. Emolgas. They're Unova's Pikachu.

Aren't they flying squirrels?

Then, they're part Flying... I can't hit them with Ground moves...
They're still Electric, so they're not Elec-weak...
My Archen's can hit their Rock weakness, but it's still weak to Elec...

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Posted on 2:06 PM.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Theory vs Practical


Defensively, Skarmory would be a good choice against Garchomp. Its Steel typing provides resistance to Garchomp's Dragon moves, while its Flying typing makes it immune to Ground moves.

Not to mention that Skarmory's high Defense can let it hold its own against Garchomp's massive Attack, so even the powerful Dragon Rush won't hit so hard.

In Practice

Garchomp used Fire Fang!
It's super effective!
Skarmory fainted!


So much for analysis.

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Posted on 9:19 PM.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Pokemon Game Mechanics

-Staraptor flew high up!-
-The wild Machoke used Scary Face!-
-Staraptor's Speed harshly fell!-

Wait, what? How'd that manage to connect?

You do recall some Machokes have an ability that ensures that all attacks on both sides connect, don't they?

Well, true, but when a Pokemon uses Fly like this, how exactly does a Machoke attack?

I don't know. Maybe it does its best to stay up close to the target Pokemon. Perhaps when your Staraptor chose to Fly, it's hanging on by a leg.


A Machoke... hanging by the leg of a Staraptor... just to give a Scary Face.

This kind of determination is frightening. No wonder any Pokemon would freeze in fear.

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Posted on 8:47 PM.

Monday, November 28, 2011


A good hitchhiker always knows where his towel is.


Posted on 4:44 PM.

Monday, October 31, 2011




Posted on 11:15 PM.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Something About another 4koma

Say, it's been a while since you posted a 4koma on your blog, right?

Well, yeah. But since the single 4komas looks pretty okay in this blog format, let's see what happens when we try uploading the double-4komas.

...Uh, oh crap. It doesn't look very good.
I notice that you're not exactly paying attention to the Fourth Wall in your comics.

It makes them more funny in a trippy sense that way.



Posted on 4:50 PM.

Something About an Anthology

Ah, greetings, Kai-san.

I see you have something new in tow. Care to share?

Oh, that. It's a comic anthology, with entries from the Art Club members of '09, '10, and '11.

The same anthology project which you had been procrastinating and despairing over a few months ago?

The same one. I actually managed to get everything done right before the deadline.

Guess you really do achieve amazing things in times of desperation.

You know, with my comic being positioned in close proximity with everyone else's, it easily shows where I stand in drawing proficiency.

I've always had this feeling that it'd look really horrible in comparison to the others if I didn't put in extra effort in the shading and colouring. But now that I see it, I'm actually pretty okay.

And for something completely hand-drawn, it's not that bad.

I still see the little specks of dirt, leftover pencil marks, and eraser dust from my hasty scanning.

At least there's less clutter in your panelling.

I suppose...



Posted on 4:29 PM.