Wednesday, August 18, 2010

List Review: September 2010

So, after plenty of predictions, false sources and whatnot, apparently many sources have all settled on the new Yugioh banlist for September 2010.

Heavy Storm
Brain Control
Rescue Cat

Comments: Okay, we all saw Substitoad and Rescue Cat taking the hit from a mile away. However, Heavy Storm and Brain Control banned? I wonder what Konami's thinking...

Monster Reborn
Dark Hole
Black Whirlwind
Royal Oppression
Infernity Launcher
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Comments: Everyone pretty much predicted Black Whirlwind, Infernity Launcher, and Trishula taking hits. I'm not very sure about Royal Oppression, though. Maybe it's to weaken Oppression builds so they can't abuse Pot of Duality to scry. But Monster Reborn and Dark Hole coming back? And Call of the Haunted is still left untouched despite this? I predict some serious revive strategies going around, particularly following a field wipe with Dark Hole. I think Konami is now starting to let the S/T zones have a little bit of a chance here...

Mystical Space Typhoon
Chaos Sorcerer
Snipe Hunter
Ojama Trio
Magic Cylinder

Comments: Chaos Sorcerer has been blipping up and down the lists as of late, so there's no big deal if he comes back to 2. Snipe Hunter and Ojama Trio, like Breaker and DD Warrior Lady, probably has been given leeway due to lack of use. Magic Cylinder coming back to 2 is unexpected. I think it's so that Konami can take OTKs that involve giant ATK monsters on themselves or something. MST coming back to 2 could possibly be due to Heavy Storm taking a hit and getting banned. And now I feel funny for treating my excess MSTs like crap.

Goblin Zombie
Cyber Dragon
Treeborn Frog
Black Rose Dragon
United We Stand
Royal Decree

Comments: BRD is back at 3? Well, I suppose the field nuke isn't as strong anymore since there's Starlight Road to completely render the nuke ineffective. Goblin Zombie coming back to 3 would probably give Zombie decks a little bit of life, and Cyber Dragon back at 3 is clearly a proposition for Cyber Style decks to come back. I think Royal Decree here is to quell the inevitable reuse of Magic Cylinder to prevent THAT from becoming too big a problem, but I don't know.

Overall comments:
This banlist is likely to start a shitstorm, particularly with Dark Hole, Magic Cylinder and MST, two cards which have been snug in their previous positions for YEARS, coming back out to wreak havoc. Maybe Konami's trying to give the general backrow a chance to turn OTKs on themselves? No idea. All that's left to do is to wait one more week and see how things turn out.

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Posted on 4:47 PM.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Just Because I Can

Multitasking again? Really, you won't go anywhere.

Just watch me, Daisuke. I'll finish my homework with my right hand while typing this blog post with my left!

I'll take my mug of water... AND SIP IT!!

...You really wanted to say that, didn't you?

The situation was begging for it.

Words fail me.

The quote's also so exploitable in many ways. There're so many permutations with the verbs.

I can see where this can go...

I'll take your milk tea... AND DRINK IT--


Hands off my tea.


Posted on 6:24 PM.