Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Randomly Epic

Somehow, the epic things just pop completely out of nowhere, when you least expect it.

Today, while going to swimming class, I passed by my Scout unit, who was on standby for the cross country run.

My Group Scout Leader came up to me and initiated conversation. Somewhere down the line, he said something among the lines of, "You haven't been coming around lately, and I heard it's because you got a girlfriend."

*spit take*

Epic facefaulting maneuver.

Anyway, I was greatly shocked at this, but came to realize that he was joking and simply laughed with him. In retrospect, I probably should have played along and made up some ridiculous bullshit in response.

Like what, "Oh I'm sorry, but my girlfriend's dead."?

...Yeah, how did you know?

Great minds think alike.

Later today I was walking back from swimming class, passing by the High School field. All of a sudden, Never Gonna Give You Up began playing. In the presence of perhaps the entire High School cohort.

Never before had I witnessed such large scale RickRolling since the time Rick Astley RickRolled that Thanksgiving parade in the US. I salute the OT for that activity, particularly whoever got the idea to RickRoll the entire school. Good job.

The world is just awesome, isn't it?



Posted on 7:26 PM.